
Конец свободного интернета | June 12, 2023

И на этот раз он вполне реален. Нападки на Open Source проекты продолжаются, Nintendo блокирует репозитории и эмуляторы, Reddit требует 20 миллионов долларов за использование их API, YouTube блокирует блокировщики рекламы. На всём этом фоне инициатива правительства РФ по сбору биометрических данных выглядит как сюр. А теперь та же судьба постигла Invidious ссылка на первое issue, ссылка на второе issue, большинство инстансев уже не работает. https://invidious.sethforprivacy.com - Can’t load the video on this Invidious instance.

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Использование Redmi 7a в качестве портативной пристаки | May 21, 2023

#android #games

Как-то раз другу на день рождения подарили Anbernic RG280V - портативную консоль на Linux, которая может запускать ретро-игры через встроенные эмуляторы или любые другие игры, портированные под Misp. Я загорелся этой идеей и начал искать похожие приставки в РФ. Оказалось, что даже базовая версия, которая запускает всё, вплоть до PS1, стоит около 5000 рублей, что совсем не дёшево для такого класса устройств. Долго промучавшись с выбором и обходив все магазины, ниже 4-5К рублей я так и не нашёл.

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Fork You Want | December 10, 2022

Читая форумы PaleMoon я случайно наткнулся на статью за 2009 год озаглавленную “Forking Protocol: Why, When, and How to Fork an Open Source Project”. Более того, на эту статью ссылается JustOff (автор плагинов для PaleMoon), утверждая, что его работы нельзя форкать, потому что это “воровство”. В этой статье полно воды, но я выделю главные моменты: Just because you don’t like, or don’t trust, the core developers or custodians of the project is not a good reason to fork the project.

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Git Notes | October 25, 2021

#development #git

To not search all across the internet again. Fetch upstream git remote add upstream <official repo address> git fetch upstream git reset --hard upstream/master New contribution git checkout -b my-awesome-branch # Your changes git add . git commit git push -u origin my-awesome-branch Once pushed in origin, you can just use push without arguments. Use ssh in https repo git remote add my-ssh <ssh-url> git push -u my-ssh branch-name Squash commits git add .

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Privacytools.io | October 8, 2021


I want to speak about this site. It’s not a ADS, just friendly reminder - there is no privacy if your computer connected to internet. The privacytools.io using Twitter (link to nitter instance), that is the first ring. Privacy and security website using non-secure and propriatary service. The link on their website urges: “Follow on Twitter for Updates”. No, thank you. Even if there is non-serious posts, Twitter still can track you.

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Creating Systemd Daemon the Right Way | September 20, 2021


Simple note, mostly for myself, how to create new SystemD daemon (service, unit, whatever), so I don’t need to search in internet every time. I don’t like SystemD, but it’s everywhere, anywhere, spread his tentacles into every computer, climbed into every crevice… Ahem… Create a daemon Path to systemd daemons is: /etc/systemd/system/. All daemons must be .service extention. A daemon, that will restart itself, if crash: [Unit] Description=Demo service # You can see list of all targets by execute # ls -1 /etc/systemd/system/ | grep target After=network.

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Installing Adb on Windows | September 20, 2021


A little backstory. I bought a new SD Card from my 7a with only 16Gb of memory, 3Gb of which available for user (ahem, Android). My old 16Gb SD Card was 7+ years old and dying already. New card is 64Gb Kingstone, as according to the manufacturer it’s class 10 (it’s not), but, whatever. Music and films is playing, books are opening, I am happy. What I’m not happy with was MTP - Media Transport Protocol, which is common for all electronic devices nowadays (Linux smartphones: am I’m jock for you?

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Review of Xiaomi Smart Band 4c | September 20, 2021


In a cold Russia March day, I have my hand on a Xiaomi Smart Band 4C, and oh boy, it was awful experience. Since it was a present, device was connecting to another smartphone, and there is where problems just began. Pairing your device What comes to mind, when you hear “pair your device”? Like enable bluetooth on smartphone, find device and pair it. However, not with Xiaomi Smart Band 4C!

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A story about Android | September 15, 2021

#android #privacy

Introduction I can’t imagine today’s live without electronic devices. They helps us to find a way, they helps us remind stuff, they should help us… Well, at least on paper. While electronic devices really helps us, they also used as a tool to big tech companies to earn money from our data. Google earns billions dollars selling our data to third-party and we can’t really do anything about it. However, what we can do obstruct they to earn more money.

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Nothing to Hide | January 23, 2021


An answer to all that commentary in internet about privacy issues. While internet in danger and this kind of article writing every day I wanted to put my two cents. I wanted to make it clear: I don’t care if government of MY county is watching me. I mean, they know everything about me anyway. Think about it: your passport, your phone calls, your internet provider can be used to surveillance.

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